Session V: Designing Sustainable Processes | AIChE

Session V: Designing Sustainable Processes


Chheda, J., Shell


Wolff, S. H., DuPont

Sustainability has become a key metric for today’s businesses to survive and thrive. Developing more sustainable products and industrial solutions requires a transition allowing society to reduce emissions, tackle climate change, while also providing economic/social benefits to everyone. It is a key consideration today for both new and existing products and their processes. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a powerful tool to enable a deeper understanding of the technology, process, supply chain, and geographical aspects contributing to an individual product’s environmental impact. In combination with traditional techno-economic type evaluation techniques, LCA accelerates our ability to enhance a product’s financial profile while reducing the impact on the planet. This session will include multiple viewpoints from start-ups focused on designing chemicals/fuels from renewable materials to large players incorporating sustainability throughout traditional process development to improve carbon footprint and overall process economics.



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