Process Development for a Circular Economy | AIChE

Process Development for a Circular Economy


Lee, K. H., The Ohio State University


Vi, T., The Dow Chemical Company

The concept of circular economy matters more now than ever. With the increase of resource scarcity as the world population continues to grow, shifting from a linear production model of 'take-make-waste' to a circular sustainability model of 'make-use-reuse/recycle' is imperative. The economic and environmental benefits that the circular economy concept is emphasizing rely heavily on how process design and integration can capture the high material and energy efficiency in the production of new products and recycling of resources. This session will showcase multiple angles of how circular economy criteria has been applied to process development, from the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the viability of a hypothetical process to examples of developed processes that implement circular design to maximize material and energy usage while minimizing environmental impact.



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