Fundamental Properties and Simulation Results - The Importance of Having the Foundation Correct | AIChE

Fundamental Properties and Simulation Results - The Importance of Having the Foundation Correct

  • Most simulations are done using models based in equations of state.  The quality of the parameters (Tc, Pc, and acentric factor) used by most equations of state can lead to success or failure of the model.
  • Two case studies will be presented where errors in the fundamental data resulted in significant errors in the model.
  • Based on a compilation of case studies by Henry Z. Kister in Distillation Design, about one out of six problems in separations are caused by fundamental issues with the quality of the model; while the other five out of six are caused by mistakes during design, fabrication, installation, or operation.
  • Fixing the model is usually cheaper than retrofitting the column.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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