Implementation Issues with Regards to Process Safety Programs | AIChE

Implementation Issues with Regards to Process Safety Programs

The chemical industry continues to struggle and face challenges with regard to improvements in safety performance because of a lack of effective implementation programs and competencies in executing the programs.  These implementation challenges and deficiencies in overall program execution results in abnormal situations, which can lead to process safety incidents. These deviations are generally caused due to the following factors: delay to transmit information, inadequate knowledge, inaccurate decision-making, ineffective communication and comprehension, erroneous execution.  Maintaining an effective implementation program and avoiding deviations still remains a large challenge in modern plants with advanced control systems.

In this presentation, case studies will be discussed on the implementation issues with regards to each of the elements of the process safety program.  Also, the influence of different factors, such as, safety culture, safety knowledge, regulations, and human factor in implementing an effective safety program will be discussed.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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