Enhancing Heat Exchanger Performance | AIChE

Enhancing Heat Exchanger Performance


Lestina, T. - Presenter, Heat Transfer Research, Inc.

Process heat exchanger performance can be enhanced by a number of different methods.  For fouling applications such as for exchangers in a crude oil preheat train, performance is enhanced by implementing fouling mitigation measures.  For some exchangers fouling can be mitigated by correcting design mistakes; for other exchangers, flow and temperature distribution can be optimized to reduce fouling tendencies.  For applications which have low heat flux using traditional designs, such as with light hydrocarbon vaporization, enhancements which eliminate film boiling should be considered.  Finally, new efficient process designs can have a low temperature difference between the hot and cold fluid streams, and enhancements which increase heat transfer coefficients are essential to reap the benefits of these new processes.    The application of enhancement technology is more practical now than ever before with continuing improvements in heat transfer prediction and availability of commercial enhancement technology.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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