Recent Advances in SRP Packing Hydraulic and Mass Transfer Measurements | AIChE

Recent Advances in SRP Packing Hydraulic and Mass Transfer Measurements

High performance packings are often used in absorption, stripping and distillation because of their relatively low cost, high turndown, low pressure drop and improved capacity.   The Separations Research Program (SRP) has undertaken a significant study involving the consistent measurements of pressure drop, flooding, mass transfer area and the film mass transfer coefficients.  In this presentation, hydraulic, measured mass transfer area and film mass transfer coefficient data on a variety of structured and random packings will be provided. These data and models have been obtained and developed using the air/water or air/caustic chemical test systems for application to carbon dioxide capture.  In this presentation, the mass transfer results and models will also be compared with distillation HETP data obtained by the SRP.