STS Dinner Program | AIChE

Join us for the dinner program, sponsored by the South Texas Section!

Those who would like to stay for the dinner event may purchase tickets when they register. Tickets will also be available onsite.

Dinner: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

MEMBER $30 $35 $40
NON-MEMBER $40 $45 $50

The South Texas Section Dinner Program is a ticketed event sponsored by the South Texas Section of AIChE. This will serve as the STS October monthly meeting.

We are delighted to announce that Matt Reisdorf, Department Manager, Process Technology Department, Fluor will be our dinner speaker discussing ethics.

Engineering and Business Ethics in a Grey World

Training and discussions on Ethics in Engineering and Business often focus on a few examples where the correct answer is obvious.  However, sometimes in the real world the correct answer is not “black and white”.  This presentation is a discussion of situations that may be in the “grey” area, and how engineers and business professionals can navigate this complex issue.  The author's personal work philosophy is also presented.