Address Distillation Process Control During Design Phase to Save Energy and Increase Capacity | AIChE

Address Distillation Process Control During Design Phase to Save Energy and Increase Capacity


Herzog, C. - Presenter, Herzog Process Services
Through a series of examples, this paper examines strategies to address basic process control issues during the engineering design phase to increase system capacity and improve on-spec performance. It also presents a view of process control as a life-cycle discipline, rather than an activity that begins after startup; and it shows how improved process control often has a powerful impact on energy efficiency – even when you don’t expect it.
Through a series of examples, this paper examines strategies to address basic process control issues during the engineering design phase to increase system capacity and improve on-spec performance. It also presents a view of process control as a life-cycle discipline, rather than an activity that begins after startup; and it shows how improved process control often has a powerful impact on energy efficiency – even when you don’t expect it.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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