Kbr's Propane Dehydrogenation Technology (K-PRO TM ) Meets Market-Driven on-Purpose Propylene Demand | AIChE

Kbr's Propane Dehydrogenation Technology (K-PRO TM ) Meets Market-Driven on-Purpose Propylene Demand


Propylene is mostly produced worldwide as a by-product from either steam crackers or FCC units. However, with the large number of new ethane-based steam crackers coming on line in the next few years, the ongoing transition of many existing steam crackers from naphtha feedstock to ethane and propane feedstock, and with very few new FCC units being built, it is anticipated that these traditional sources of propylene supply will fall short of demand by 45 MMTPA in 2027. 80% of this propylene shortfall is expected to be made up by on-purpose propane dehydrogenation. KBR's Propane Dehydrogenation Technology (K-PRO TM ), based on the commercially proven KBR Catalytic Olefins Technology (K-COT TM ) in combination with a novel high selectivity dehydrogenation catalyst, is well positioned to fill this gap. The technology can be implemented as a stand-alone propylene production unit independent of a steam cracker or an FCC unit.

During this presentation, we will present the details of K-PRO TM Technology and discuss its benefits including high propylene selectivity and conversion, low-cost and environmentally friendly catalyst, minimal catalyst losses and catalyst make-up requirements, how its commercially proven reactor design leads to simple and reliable operation with high on-stream factors, and lower CAPEX and OPEX as compared to other technologies.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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