Optimizing Fractionation Condenser System CAPEX and OPEX—Case Studies & Performance | AIChE

Optimizing Fractionation Condenser System CAPEX and OPEX—Case Studies & Performance


Parvin, E. - Presenter, Parv Consulting
Whether designing a new fractionation train or debottlenecking an existing one, there are opportunities in condenser systems that are often overlooked. This presentation will focus on two key concepts.

1). Fractionation systems often experience operational issues or bottlenecks caused by the condenser system, either by design or through creep capacity over time. Two case studies from refining and midstream industries will be shared where design of new condensers for fractionation systems considered overhead line pressure drop causing superheat entering the condenser. This superheat can impact sizing and/or performance of the condenser as well as the entire distillation system. Potential root causes for missing these design details in today’s industry will be discussed. One case study will demonstrate simultaneous reduction of both CAPEX and OPEX costs. These same considerations can be used to evaluate and debottleneck existing systems.

2) A case study will be presented from the design of a now operating facility for a feed/condenser heat integration scheme. Common arrangements of such an exchanger from both refining and midstream experiences will be covered. The best overall layout of an actual depropanizer system with key detailed design considerations to ensure operation success will be shared, which realized both CAPEX and OPEX savings for the project. Retrofitting existing system with this heat integration scheme may debottleneck condenser limited fractionation systems for higher capacity at relatively lower costs than traditional methods.

Topic Selection:

Debottlenecking Condenser Limited Distillation Systems with Novel Use of Reflux

Abstract Text:

Distillation columns when capacity is creeped over time, and in many cases upon startup of a newly designed facility, often experience bottlenecks on the overhead condensers. Methods to avoid bottlenecks of new designs will be presented briefly. For existing systems experiencing bottlenecks, we will present common root causes of problems of condenser limited systems, with a focus of overhead line pressure drop to the condenser and how it impacts the heat release curve performance of the condenser. Then a review of conventional methods of debottlenecking. Lastly a new novel and counter-intuitive method (patent pending) for using reflux in a new way to debottleneck the condenser limited systems in most distillation systems. Benefits of using this method may include but not be limited to: Increased capacity of the entire distillation system; lower operating pressure of the tower year-round; improved performance of the condenser; lower operating cost of the entire distillation system at the same fixed rates; and any combination of the above. Quantitative analysis of the heat release curve and performance of a typical tower system will be presented.

A copy of the patent submittal is available upon request to our office.

Presenting Author

Eric Parvin

Parv Consulting
Owner / Consulting Engineer


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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