Unexpected Problems with Kettle Reboiler Circuit | AIChE

Unexpected Problems with Kettle Reboiler Circuit


Cai, T. - Presenter, Fractionation Research, Inc.
Cavett, M., Fractionation Research, Inc.
Unexpected Problems with Kettle Reboiler Circuit

Mark Cavett, Tony Cai*

Fractionation Research, Inc.


Reboilers are responsible for many operational problems experienced in distillation and absorption columns in the chemical processing industry. Employed in a commercial size distillation research facility, Fractionation Research, Inc (FRI) kettle reboiler circuits operate under a wide range of process conditions and various physical properties. This makes their operation more challenging. In this paper, the unexpected operational challenges and problems encountered with the kettle reboiler circuits will be described and discussed. The troubleshooting process, solutions to the operational problems, and the lesson learned will be presented.

Key Words: Distillation, reboiler, hydraulics, troubleshooting


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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