14th AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference FAQs

Please scroll down or click the links below to view the FAQ sections for more information about the Meeting:
General Questions
Is the AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference still being planned for September?
Yes, the 14th Southwest Process Technology Conference will take place from September 29 - September 30, 2022 at the Sugar Land Marriott Town Square.
How will the 14th SPTC work?
The 14th Southwest Process Technology Conference will be held as an in person event.
Is it safe to attend in person?
With the ever-changing landscape around COVID-19, AIChE is working with the Texas venues to adhere to all of the local, state, and national directives for social distancing and sanitizing protocols.
Your safety is our primary concern, and we will keep you updated on any changes that may occur.
I am traveling to the United States from another country. Where can I learn about COVID-19 travel policies and procedures?
Please consult your country's specific policies and procedures regarding international travel. Information on testing procedures for travelers entering the U.S. may be found on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Local COVID-19 testing sites can be found at the Texas state website (to perform a search, use zip code 02115).
When will registration open?
Online registration is now open. Learn more and register for the conference here.
What are the registration rates?
Registration rates are set and available on the registration page.
If I register and can no longer attend, what will happen with my registration?
Due to the current situation and the uncertainties related to planning physical conferences, AIChE is relaxing its cancellation policy. Until further notice, you can cancel for any reason up to five days before the event. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual at no charge.
This means that you can continue to submit abstracts and register for our events without having to worry about registration fees should you not be able to attend.
The full cancellation policy can be found here.
When will I be able to book my hotel room?
AIChE has negotiated exclusive rates with the Sugar Land Marriott Town Square.
I am thinking of sponsoring or exhibiting. What do I need to know?
You can find information for Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers here.
COVID-19 Guidelines
State Health and Travel Guidelines, as of September 13, 2022
- All industry restrictions with Texas are lifted with 100% capacity allowed.
- AIChE will continue to monitor the health and safety requirements set forth by the CDC, state of TX and city of Houston.
- City of Houston Guidelines: https://houstonemergency.org/covid19/
- State of Texas Travel Guidelines: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/
Meeting Health & Safety Guidelines
- Technical exhibition booths will be spaced in accodance with social distancing guidelines.
- AIChE requests that all 14th Southwest Process Technology Conference attendees, exhibitors and vendors to attest that they will be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 fourteen days prior to the in-person meeting or have negative COVID-19 test results within 72 hours of arrival. Please view the COVID-19 Attestation FAQ for more information.
- AIChE will continue to monitor the health and safety requirements; should these requirements modify before the event, attendees will be notified and expected to adhere to the requirements in place at the time of the event.
Are face masks required?
Face masks will not be required to be worn for all persons attending the 14th Southwest Process Technology Conference.
Vaccination/Negative COVID Test Attestation
AIChE requires that all 14th AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference attendees, exhibitors and vendors to attest that they will be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 fourteen days prior to the in-person meeting or have negative COVID-19 test results within 72 hours of arrival.
Why is AIChE asking for attestation?
AIChE is requiring all attendees, exhibitors and vendors to make this attestation during the registration process in order to provide an additional layer of safety for all those who will attend the meeting in Sugar Land in-person.
Is AIChE collecting proof of vaccine or proof of negative COVID test?
No. AIChE will not collect or require our attendees, exhibitors or vendors to submit, upload or present proof of vaccination or negative COVID test results.
What vaccines are accepted?
All COVID vaccines that are administered domestically and internationally.
What types of COVID tests are accepted?
Viral: nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and antigen tests.
Antibody: Antibody or serology tests.
What if I have already had COVID?
Please obtain a negative COVID test, antibody or serology test 72 hours prior to arrival.
What if I am unable to be vaccinated?
Please obtain a negative COVID test, antibody or serology test 72 hours prior to arrival.
What do you mean by "fully vaccinated"?
A person is considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 two weeks after receiving the recommended number of inoculations with one of the accepted vaccines. The “the recommended number of inoculations” is specified by the vendor, and is currently either one or two doses.