The 3rd edition of Chemical Process Safety, Fundamentals with Applications was published in the early summer of 2011. The third edition has been rewritten to include new process safety technology, new references, and updated data that have appeared since the first edition was published in 1990 and the second edition in 2002.
The third edition contains two new chapters. Chapter 8, “Chemical Reactivity,” was added due to the recommendations from the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) as a result of the T2 Laboratories accident investigation. Chapter 13, “Safety Procedures and Designs,” was added to consolidate some material that was scattered throughout the previous editions and to present a more complete and detailed discussion.
This paper will present an historical perspective on this textbook, present our original objectives for this textbook, and discuss some of the difficulties in publishing a first-time text in this area. It also includes our combined experiences of teaching process safety in both industry and academia during the past 20 years.
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