Accelerating Carbon Neutrality with Sustainable Biomass Cycle | AIChE

Accelerating Carbon Neutrality with Sustainable Biomass Cycle


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 18, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




The inherently sustainable Black Swan Biomass Cycle for energy carbon management is progressed in industrial scale demonstration facilities under construction at the Kern Oil and Refining Company's cogeneration unit surrounded by hundreds of acres of crops in the heart of California's agriculture rich San Joaquin Valley. This technology makes biomass (as a renewable fuel) for power production into a cycle by capturing/extracting CO2 laden flue gas for Crop Carbon Enrichment (CCE), and then sending the additional biomass created by CO2 back to the power plant. CCE is a science and proven agriculture practice for over a hundred years of raising the local crop biosphere to around 600 ppm CO2. It is endorsed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Brookhaven National Laboratory for the past three decades, and funded by California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). CCE increases crop yield of up to 100% and water utilization efficiency of up to 20%. The sustainability is compounded by using membrane based air oxygen enrichment to also perform direct air capture (the production of CO2 depleted air) from combustion air. This significantly reduces biomass and supplementary fuel gas consumption (up to 20%) without reducing the firing duty, and reduces the size of the power plant and enrichment equipment by a factor of two. Details on this and three other existing pilot/demo low cost/risk/energy facilities point towards accelerated global carbon neutrality (by 2030?), using the only sustainable technology to date capable of converting gigatons of CO2 into gigatons of food.


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