Advanced Modeling for Cryogenic Spill Risk Assessments of Floating LNG | AIChE

Advanced Modeling for Cryogenic Spill Risk Assessments of Floating LNG


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2014


30 minutes

Skill Level




The cryogenic spill risk assessment (CSRA) and cryogenic spill protection (CSP) plan are critical steps in the design of a floating LNG liquefaction facility, given the large quantities of cryogenic materials present and the potential for extensive damage to the facility in the event of cryogenic failure of critical components.  However, CSRAs are typically performed using analytical models coupled with somewhat arbitrary assumptions (e.g., artificially capping the hazard distance of a cryogenic jet to take into account the probability of impingement upon a structure). This approach limits the accuracy of the CSRA and does not allow a proper evaluation of cryogenic spill protection and mitigation measures.

This paper will discuss the application of CFD modeling to the analysis of cryogenic spill hazards on FLNGs.  The use of the FLACS CFD tool allows an accurate 3D model of the FLNG to be used in the analysis, thus increasing the accuracy of the hazard predictions and removing the need for arbitrary assumptions.   Additionally, the effectiveness of cryogenic spill protection and mitigation measures (e.g., curbing critical areas to minimize the pool spreading area, or using shrouded flanges to reduce the momentum of cryogenic jet releases) can be evaluated quantitatively


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