Benefits of Novel Cooling Water Chemicals on Refinery Economics | AIChE

Benefits of Novel Cooling Water Chemicals on Refinery Economics


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 27, 2017


30 minutes

Skill Level




Some 35 years ago phosphate and zinc based programs emerged as the cooling water treatment technology of choice when the industry was strongly encouraged to eliminate chromates. At that time, we were certainly aware of the many troublesome issues associated with phosphorus based programs: the precise control required to prevent phosphate deposits on hot bundles, especially in refineries, inadequate admiralty brass corrosion using only azoles, escalating dispersant demand due to phosphate precipitation with well water iron and aluminum carryover, and excessive algae growth on the towers and the associated chlorine demand. Although the industry was aware of impending phosphorus regulations, efforts to perfect phosphorus based cooling water programs continued because there simply was no reasonable alternative ….until now. This paper describes the development of a promising phosphorus free corrosion and deposit control program, including laboratory and field application, economics and performance data from several challenging applications.


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