Beyond Being Proactively Reactive | AIChE

Beyond Being Proactively Reactive


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 29, 2017


30 minutes



In the last 20 years, Industry has made great strides in utilizing tools to manage the day-to-day business of equipment failure in order to minimize downtime and maximize availability. Voluminous amounts of data have been generated from these tools but very little of it is used to evaluate the failures or occurrences themselves. With condition monitoring and good planning/scheduling, we have become very Proactive at still being Reactive to asset behavior. The “New Horizon” is to harness this data and make Business-Driven Program Changes to further eliminate failure.

Industry continues to refine practices for day to day optimization but fails to fully resolve issues. Lack of good data comparison/evaluation capability makes this a difficult task. Therefore they are doomed to be very proactive in their role of reacting to routine failures.

The proposed approach would take Reliability to the next level by identifying best opportunities for eliminating recurring problems by evaluation of conditional data vs expense vs operational availability vs operating cost. Condition monitoring alone treats symptoms, full business analysis leads to solving problems.


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