Mitsubishi Chemical has been working to improve process safety by implementing safety review (SR) activities.The aim of the SR activity is to improve safety of processes and operations by sharing information from a broad range of perspectives. The SR activities are joined not only by staffs who are familiar with routine operation, but also by staffs who belong to other departments. To strengthen the SR activity, SR Instructor Team was formed. The member of SR instructor team is composed of retired and senior engineers who have abundant knowledge and experience about processes and safety measures. The SR activity becomes a field where experiences, perspectives and knowledge are shared by participants.
One of risk evaluation methods used in the SR activity is HAZchart analysis. HAZchart analysis is a risk evaluation method which Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and Mitsubishi Research Institute developed. It can carry out easily from development of an accident scenario to quantitative evaluation.
HAZchart analysis method is packaged as a computer program called PHA_Organizer. PHA_Organizer has some risk analysis assistance functions which are common cause specific function, minimal cut set display function and fault tree input assistance function. PHA_Organizer promotes sharing of the way of thinking at the SR activity.
SR activity and risk evaluation tool are introduced.