Chemical Looping Combustion is presently considered as one of the most promising CO2 capture technology in terms of efficiency penalty and cost reduction. TOTAL and IFP Energies nouvelles are collaborating for the development of chemical looping combustion applications. In order to develop appropriate process solutions several batch and continuous experiments were conducted on a wide range of fossil feedstocks (liquid, gaseous, solid) over the past years in order to serve as the basis of design for a life size pilot on coal. Several tests have been conducted at different temperatures ranging between 800°C and 1000°C with several oxygen carriers.
Further to these encouraging results the technology is being taken to the next development stage via a several MW pilot. This larger pilot is at engineering stage, and it is planned to start construction on a selected industrial site by early 2012.
This paper presents the most recent results of this joint development program and also some projections for CLC process efficiencies as well as technico-economical evaluation for a full scale industrial plant in comparison with alternative routes including post combustion and oxy-combustion. Finally the perspective of the full technology development plan is introduced.
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