Co-Processing Fischer-Tropsch Wax and Vacuum Gas Oil in a Pilot-Scale FCC | AIChE

Co-Processing Fischer-Tropsch Wax and Vacuum Gas Oil in a Pilot-Scale FCC


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 14, 2023


21 minutes

Skill Level




The long-haul aviation industry presents a particularly difficult problem for decarbonization; switching to fuels with some or all of the carbon from renewable resources is seen as the only viable solution that is currently available. This paper will describe R&D on co-processing of Fischer-Tropsch wax with vacuum gas oil in a pilot-scale fluid catalytic cracking system (Davison Circulating Riser or DCR) along with hydrotreating for fuel finishing. The DCR has been ‘tuned’ to allow for more production of middle-distillates such as jet fuel. A feature of this paper is tracking of biogenic carbon from the feed to the final products.


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