CO2 Tolerant N2 Rejection From Natural Gas | AIChE

CO2 Tolerant N2 Rejection From Natural Gas


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 13, 2011


30 minutes

Skill Level




Associated gas from the oil industry has been flared for decades. The prevailing attitude towards CO2 emissions and other pollutants requires smart approaches to processing low BTU gases in a cost effective and environmentally responsible manner.

The injection of nitrogen into oil reservoirs for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) represents a new challenge for cryogenic nitrogen rejection technology. Over the duration of the production, the nitrogen concentration in the resulting associated gas will steadily increase over time from a few percent up to 50 vol % or more of the entire gas flow.

A new approach for CO2 tolerant cryogenic nitrogen rejection from sales with varying nitrogen content downstream NGL extraction will be discussed.


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