A CCPS Concept Book on performing Combustible Dust Hazard Assessments (CDHA) will be published later this year. This book is not meant to duplicate existing resources, such as NFPA 68, 69, or 654, but rather is designed to be a practical guide on how to do CDHAs, with an emphasis on the combustion hazards of dusts. Two methods are described for doing a CDHA: 1) a traditional, standards compliance based approach, and 2) a risk based approach. The heart of the book is the application of both hazard assessment approaches to three example processes. The book also provides an overview of the basics of combustible dust fires and explosions, although it is not meant to be a thorough treatment of the science of combustible dust hazards. A list of standards and books for further study are provided. The hazards inside selected process equipment items and inside of buildings are described. Methods to prevent and mitigate these hazards are also described. There are special considerations that occur in identifying and assessing hazards in existing facilities, such as existing housekeeping and ignition control, process changes since the initial startup of the facility, and changes in what is considered to be good engineering practice since the facility was built. One chapter of the book is dedicated to the impact of these items in a new facility.
The target audience for this book is primarily technical personnel involved in process research and development, and in designing and running solids handling plants and processes. Combustible dust and hazard analysis subject matter experts will find the book useful as a guideline to develop a consistent methodology for risk assessment of processes handling combustible dusts.