The Compact HPLC Project: A Collaboration between Axcend and the Enabling Technologies Consortium | AIChE

The Compact HPLC Project: A Collaboration between Axcend and the Enabling Technologies Consortium


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 16, 2022


13 minutes

Skill Level




This presentation will review the collaboration between Axcend and the Enabling Technologies Consortium (ETC) to develop a compact HPLC. The effectiveness of the collaboration between eight ETC members and Axcend to define, develop, supply, and evaluate a viable compact HPLC system will be highlighted. The opportunity to develop technology and provide a solution with broad representation across the pharmaceutical industry has been invaluable. This highly productive project, which followed an earlier ETC project that addressed on-line sampling for HPLC analysis, has enabled Axcend’s technology platform to be modified and further developed to meet the specific needs for on-line characterization of chemical processes in a space-limited chemical fume hood. Beta-testing of the compact HPLC system by ETC members revealed additional applications in a variety of other areas of interest in pharmaceutical discovery, development, processing, and quality control.


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