Continuous Control of a Batch Crystallization System with Deep Reinforcement Learning | AIChE

Continuous Control of a Batch Crystallization System with Deep Reinforcement Learning


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




The development of controllers for chemical process models requires careful examination of the process dynamics, development of mathematical models, tuning of parameters and formulation of objective functions suited to the target application. Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides an appealing alternative to this approach. In RL, once the problem has been transformed into the required framework, the algorithm learns automatically by interacting with the system and gathering data. Although the use of RL in process control has been attempted before, it has been viewed and explored with skepticism owing to problems like sparsity of learning signals in the task. However, on account of recent breakthroughs in deep learning, RL algorithms have become more flexible and capable of handling a wider range of problems.

In this work, we explore the application of a deep reinforcement learning controller to the batch crystallization of the sodium chloride, water, ethanol anti-solvent system. The ultimate objective of the controller is to obtain a target distribution of crystal size at the end of the batch by manipulating the temperature of the system and flow rate of the anti-solvent. To do this, we implement a deep neural-network based controller with an actor-critic structure that is trained to maximize the long term reward at each sampling time. The network is trained on a Fokker-Planck model whose parameters are estimated by dynamic optimization, and the network learns in this environment by exploration. We evaluate the performance of the controller against baselines established by classical control techniques and finally analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this framework.


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