Cost Estimating Benchmarks for Brownfield Automation Capital Projects. Determining What Your Project Really Costs | AIChE

Cost Estimating Benchmarks for Brownfield Automation Capital Projects. Determining What Your Project Really Costs


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2019


30 minutes

Skill Level




Early in the financial feasibility stage some idea of total installed costs are needed to proceed. How project costs are affected by scope decisions is key information for informed decisions. This means some knowledge of the scope of work and associated costs for modernization projects is required. However engineering and planning of automation modernization projects is not a well known practice. In most brownfield plants a modernization project of any significant size may have rarely been done recently at your site. This presentation addresses historical installed costs associated with modernization, ie 'rules of thumbs' for automation projects. Topics addressed include what make brownfield projects different than greenfield, the associated activities needed for brownfield, how installed costs breakout among equipment, engineering and installation, the effects of project scope and what factors you can manipulate to control cost.


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