Current Deficiencies and Proposed Modifications to API 579 Part 3 Brittle Fracture Screening Procedures | AIChE

Current Deficiencies and Proposed Modifications to API 579 Part 3 Brittle Fracture Screening Procedures


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2019


25 minutes

Skill Level




Significant inconsistencies and inadequacies exist in the current brittle fracture screening procedures in the 2016 edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-For-Service. Results from an evaluation completed using the current published guidance could prove unsafe in some instances. The ASME/API Joint Committee on Fitness-For-Service (FFS) recently initiated a project to rewrite API 579 Part 3, Assessment of Existing Equipment for Brittle Fracture. The intent of the project is to establish new Level 1 and Level 2 evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria developed using state-of-the-art fracture mechanics consistent with the Part 9 Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) approach, currently employed in Level 3 Fitness-For-Service evaluations. This presentation will provide a comprehensive summary of deficiencies and corresponding concerns with current published methods for evaluating susceptibility of pressure equipment to potential brittle fracture failures. The presentation will include a case study demonstrating the benefits of using detailed fracture mechanics and, lastly, the presentation will provide a brief introduction to the methodology employed in the recently proposed procedure modifications for Part 3 of API 579.


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