Decarbonizing the Chemical Industry: Assessing Current Transition Technology Options and Future Possibilities | AIChE

Decarbonizing the Chemical Industry: Assessing Current Transition Technology Options and Future Possibilities


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 27, 2024


25 minutes

Skill Level




Given significant energy demand and utilization by the process industries, particularly in chemical manufacturing, the identification of alternatives in energy production, delivery, and use are primary near-term considerations for decarbonizing manufacturing. Various roadmaps and studies on chemical industry decarbonization point to a select technological solutions and approaches towards this goal. The viability of these alternatives varies in terms of technology-readiness, market-readiness, and systems integration potential. To better understand current and future applicability of potential technologies for industry to prioritize, a data base of transition technologies was developed including over 150 specific technologies of interest to primary industry sponsors. These range from process and utility electrification to CO2 capture and utilization to electrochemistry. Each technology was assessed for its development stage, performance indicators, technology readiness levels for targeted applications, and other relevant metrics. Of equal importance barriers and opportunities impacting commercial viability were part of the analysis including market mechanisms, transition risks, economics, regulatory, and policy implications. Presenters will provide insights garnered from this work informing near-term deployment potential and longer-term needs and opportunities.


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