The normative base developed by the parent corporation of Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry Venezuelan Petroleos de Venezuela PDVSA, which regulates and guide on the matters of safety and Risk Engineering, it is structured in an Integrated Risk Management system, defined as a tool for the comprehensive management of the risks to the health and safety of workers, integrity of facilities and equipment. It consists of elements or key system units representing practices or key activities of the risk management of process safety, and where the minimum set of interrelated requirements is set, necessary to achieve the specific objectives of each unit .
These elements within the system operate in a structured and documented sequential process of planning, implementation, verification, audit and systematic review of the key activities, for the continuous improvement of the management of the Corporation related to Process Safety. The system comprises the application of appropriate practices during the design, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of facilities and equipment.
The SIR-PDVSA, being updated in 2009, maintains correspondence with the management systems of the Standards ISO 9001-2000, 14001-2004 and OHSAS 18001-2007, in order to facilitate the audit process and certification of each one of these systems, if required.
One of the audit process as part of the Risk and Insurance Management of the Corporation is the one developed by the Reinsurance Broker selected for the current period, the recommendations are classified mainly according to what established by the International Standard ISO 31000: 2009 (Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines) and ISO 31010: 2009 (Risk Management - Risk Assessment Techniques), generated with the approach of elimination or mitigation of the major accidents hazards, mainly based on incidents of loss of material containment, either generated because of hazards of design, operation, location or natural causes.
The ISO 31000 defines five risk management processes. Four of these processes form a cycle and the fifth is a global activity. The cycle comprises the following processes:
- Establish the context of risk.
- Risk Assessment.
- Risk Treatment.
- Monitoring and Review.
The overall process connected with all of these are communication and consultation.
Considering the correspondence between the Standards PDVSA SI-S-06 and ISO, it has been made the correspondence of the Risk Management System and the five processes defined in ISO 31000, oriented within the elements forming a process safety management, defined in the guidelines of the Centre for chemical process safety (Process safety Management and risk based process Safety), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA 3132: 2000 (Process safety Management), and the American Petroleum Institute API (Process Safety Management Systems) and was structured through the business collaboration platform Microsoft Office Sharepoint, a system of Strategic Management for the management of process safety recommendations of reinsurance broker, of Petroquímica de Venezuela S.A.