Developing a Fully Automated Workflow to Speed up the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle for Engineering of Microbial Cell Factories | AIChE

Developing a Fully Automated Workflow to Speed up the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle for Engineering of Microbial Cell Factories


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 11, 2021


18 minutes

Skill Level




Microbial cell factories (MCFs) have been extensively engineered to produce chemicals, fuels, and materials. However, metabolic engineering of MCFs remains time-consuming and labor-intensive. One major reason is the lack of a general platform for large-scale mutagenesis and high-throughput screening. To address this limitation, we performed genetic engineering and phenotypic screening by integrating the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle with a biofoundry. As proof-of-concept, we are building a fully automated gene deletion workflow for the construction of transcriptional factor (TF) knock-out variants combinatorially in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 175 single, double, or triple gene deletion variants are being created by our biofoundry in a single day. In parallel, we developed a mass spectrometry (MS)-based high-throughput screening method for rapid profiling of these TF variants. Most triple gene deletion variants were identified with improving shorter-acyl chain free fatty acids production. Through the integration of automated acoustic liquid handling and MS-based screening, the throughput of phenotyping can achieve up to 2 colonies/liquid cultures per second. Additionally, we attempted to develop a fully automated DNA assembly method for quick plasmid construction, which could achieve ~100% fidelity for assembly of 2-12 fragments with a final plasmid size of 25 kb. Thousands of plasmids in 96-well plate format can be created by our biofoundry in a single day. These developed workflows should be generally applicable to metabolic engineering of MCFs for production of value-added products.


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