Development of a Commercial Scale Ethylene Furnace Hydrogen Burner | AIChE

Development of a Commercial Scale Ethylene Furnace Hydrogen Burner


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 13, 2023


19 minutes

Skill Level




As the ethylene industry considers potential pathways to reduced CO2 emissions, partial or full fuel switching from methane-rich tail-gas to hydrogen has featured in numerous papers and presentations.

While the direct CO2 emission benefits of hydrogen combustion are straight-forward to calculate, the design of a hydrogen burner compatible with modern ethylene cracking furnaces must address numerous technical challenges. Included in those challenges are:

  1. Maintaining adequate heat distribution and avoidance of localized high coking rates.
  2. Managing NOx emissions as the fuel-gas hydrogen content increases.
  3. Providing acceptable burner stability across the full fuel-gas range from natural-gas to hydrogen.

This paper will review progress made in developing a full-scale hydrogen burner for 100% floor-fired ethylene furnaces, including test-furnace performance trends.


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