Digital Plant: The Convergence of Process and Operational | AIChE

Digital Plant: The Convergence of Process and Operational


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 2, 2019


30 minutes

Skill Level




“Refiners are poised to adopt new technologies at a faster pace after years of incremental progress; this effort could save the industry billions of dollars.” (Wood Mackenzie) Given this important convergence of process and operational, refining and petrochemical worlds, this paper looks at how operators can integrate asset performance management (APM) solutions, with process simulation models and data analytics. This convergence allows for continuous interrogation of plant data against the process model, thus providing the ability to predict and quantify operational decisions in near real-time to manage risk and boost profitability. It will reference customers who operate in refinery and petrochemicals, and illustrate workflow and the outcomes achieved.


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