Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0: Bridging the Gap between Aspiration and Reality (Poster) | AIChE

Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0: Bridging the Gap between Aspiration and Reality (Poster)


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




The payoff of a successful digital transformation project can be more than worth the resource and time investments. The problem is only a small fraction of those projects are successful.*

Companies jump into these Industry 4.0 initiatives with $$$$ in their eyes, but little thought of what it will truly take the organization to capitalize on digital transformation opportunities. Too often they find the critical people, skills and a supporting culture necessary for success are missing. The result: at best, mediocre results; at worst, a refusal to try again.

Building a sustainable and scalable digital transformation strategy is a complex challenge that requires addressing three keys things:

  • Identifying the problem(s) being solved;
  • Acknowledging and planning for the human side of change;
  • And, finally ensuring the technology chosen can be used to solve the problem(s).

This talk will use case studies from across the industry to highlight these three issues, and share other best practices to deliver digital transformation success.

*ARC Advisory Group; Frost & Sullivan; Gartner; IDC


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