Engineering Creative Thinking | AIChE

Engineering Creative Thinking


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2019


30 minutes

Skill Level




What do you think of when you hear the word Creativity? If you’re like me, you often think of something artsy that you would see on Instagram or Pinterest. You also probably think creativity is a trait people are born with or without. You probably also think creativity is something you don’t have to utilize in your technical jobs. However, creativity and creative thinking is a skill that can set you apart in any job. Creativity isn’t about originality or thinking outside of the box as much as it is about learning how to connect ideas, growing a bigger box, and building your mental inventory of knowledge. In this session we will go over practices, tools, and tricks for how us engineers can expand our creative thinking to make us more innovative and strategic in how we approach our problem solving and our jobs.


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