Ethylene at Net Zero | AIChE

Ethylene at Net Zero


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 25, 2024


42 minutes

Skill Level




At a critical juncture in the petrochemical industry's evolution, the majority of olefin producers have made unequivocal commitments to ambitious net-zero targets by 2050. Simultaneously, technology companies have recently pioneered essential technological tools for the impending net-zero transition, while governments worldwide are enacting regulations to propel the industry toward a sustainable future. However, despite these significant strides, a transformative shift of monumental proportions is yet to happen.

The keynote speech at the 36th Ethylene Producers’ Conference provides an elaborate outlook on the petrochemical industry's journey to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Presented from the perspective of a combined technology licensor, leading industrial gases producer and plant operator, the conference contribution delves into the “Carbon Management Toolbox for Sustainable Olefin Technologies”, showcasing a diverse set of solutions pivotal for realizing net-zero emissions. This toolbox includes among others hydrogen, electrification and molecular management, emphasizing their relevance to the industry's sustainable transformation.

From assumptions based on today's perspective, the speech outlines different pathways and major trends shaping the petrochemical landscape toward 2050 and beyond. It examines the transition from conventional to decarbonized installations, emphasizing challenges and opportunities inherent in this profound shift.

To conclude the outlook on ethylene at net zero examined through the lens of a prominent steam cracking technology licensor, a pivotal segment of the keynote will also deep dive into hydrogen. This section offers the profound vision of the hydrogen economy from a global leader in hydrogen production, who covers every link in the hydrogen value chain from source to service. As a key element in petrochemical decarbonization strategies, alongside the burgeoning global trend of electrification, the strategic adoption of hydrogen will play an indispensable role in driving the petrochemical industry toward a sustainable future.


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