Experiences in Development and Deployment of a Process Safety Curriculum in a North American Pipeline Company | AIChE

Experiences in Development and Deployment of a Process Safety Curriculum in a North American Pipeline Company


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 27, 2017


30 minutes



A case study will be presented of how a Process Safety curriculum was developed and deployed at a North American Pipeline company. The curriculum included a face-to-face traditional instruction component as well as a computer-based component deployed in 2016. The curriculum was designed to give learners a basic understanding of the principles of process safety management and their application to the company. The face-to-face component of the curriculum employed adult learning theories that bridged individuals whose experiences ranged from new graduates to those with 30+ years. Interactive group exercises and case studies reinforced process safety fundamentals with particular attention paid to a struggle of differentiating between worker or personal safety compared to process safety.


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