As an extension of the current RD&D on the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), we could consider the incorporation of high-temperature fuel cell into the coal gasification-based power generation process (IGFC) for further increase of the plant efficiency. To explore the probability and feasibility of coal-syngas use for SOFC, we need to clarify the effects of chemical interaction of trace impurities with the materials of SOFC anode and electrolyte with respect to the performance of the SOFC system. The purpose of the present experimental study is to know if the chemical degradation does occur when raw coal-derived syngas or simulated coal syngas with small amount of selected compounds such as H2S, COS, HCl etc. is fed. Injection of the raw coal syngas resulted in the formation of eutectic melting or agglomeration of Ni over the anode layer. We also observed some recoverable performance loss when acid gases were doped to the fuel gas. No significant negative influence was seen in the variation of current density as well as AC impedance in the case of injection of halide components.
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