The Eye-Opener: Communicating Facility Siting Findings to Upper Management | AIChE

The Eye-Opener: Communicating Facility Siting Findings to Upper Management


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 12, 2016


30 minutes

Skill Level




Upon completion of a Facility Siting study, the critical path forward is acceptance from Upper Management on the remediation plan.  Using an example chemical plant, this paper will detail the process of initiating a Facility Siting study, provide a novel approach to assessing risk, and will discuss how the information is communicated to upper management.  Communication with management to build understanding and agreement on the plan is the most critical step in the process.  Also key is to build understanding with management around background and requirements of facility siting and historical consequences of willful violations against facility siting regulations.  In addition, the paper will discuss a novel approach to prioritizing building and control room remediation upgrades.


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