ABSTRACT: “Guidelines for Evaluating Plant Buildings for Fire, Explosion, and Toxic Releases—2nd Edition”
(New Requirements of API RP 752, 3rd Edition (2009)
continuing requirements of API RP 753)
- Wayne Garland (Wayne Garland (wgarland@eastman.com)
- Quentin A. Baker (qbaker@bakerrisk.com)
- Raymond Bennett (RBennett@BakerRisk.com)
- Michael Moosemiller (MMoosemiller@BakerRisk.com)
- Adrian L. Sepeda (adrian_l@swbell.net)
Several coordinated efforts have been started to improve the safety of workers while in permanent or temporary/portable buildings. API RP 752, “Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Permanent Buildings” was rewritten and then released in December 2009. API RP 753, “Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Portable Buildings” was developed and issued in June 2007. These Recommended Practices serve as protection expectation guides for workers who might be housed or work in permanent, portable or temporary buildings, especially those that would be exposed to hazards from a processing area.
API RP 753 is fairly prescriptive in terms of requirements and methodologies in order to address past temporary building siting situations that haven proven to be somewhat inappropriate in today's environment. API RP 752 was not overly prescriptive in some respects, but limiting in others, which when combined with technical shortcomings in today's environment, highlighted the need for a substantial upgrade. A committee approach was used and the API RP 752, Third Edition was issued in December 2009. Although built around the same goal of protection of people in buildings, the new approach and expectations are significantly different than before, yet provide more options in evaluating and addressing building siting. This is achieved by using risk, and not only consequence, as a basis for decision-making. The result is that consideration should be made for:
- updating evaluations of hazards and risks associated with all buildings on the manufacturing site and intended for occupancy,
- developing a mitigation plan for those not meeting expectations, and
- keeping the new expectations in mind when developing new projects.
API RP 752 Third Edition has the potential for changing the physical appearance of manufacturing facilities as well as the way work is managed and conducted.
The fundamental nature of the changes in the most recent version of API RP 752 prompted The Center for Chemical Process Safety, CCPS, to provide technical guidance on its implementation. This paper discusses the impact of the 2009 version of API RP 752 and the 2007 version of API RP 753 on manufacturing facilities and the CCPS approach to address those challenges via “Guidelines for Evaluating Plant Buildings for Fire, Explosion, and Toxic Releases—2nd Edition.
The major topics covered in this new book are:
- Reasons for Concern and Incentives for Improvement in Protecting People in Buildings
- How to Determine the Scope of the Building Siting Evaluation
- Building Siting Evaluation Criteria
- How to Define “Credible” Events
- Hazards Assessment
- Explosion
- Fire
- Toxic
- Frequency and Probability Assessment
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Management and Mitigation Plans
- Managing the Building Siting Process
As the “how to” reference on compliance to API RP 752, it is expected that this book will be the de facto guidance document on technical compliance with the “facility siting” requirements of OSHA PSM, and therefore will be a “must read” for any facilities covered by PSM or otherwise dealing with hazards that would be covered under the OSHA General Duty Clause. It is further expected that this book will be the general guidance document for understanding and conducting building siting evaluations regardless of regulatory coverage. And, lastly, it is expected that this book will be the prompt and driving force for the development and implementation of additional technological advancements in defining and conducting better risk assessments related to “facility siting.”