High Reliability Organizations - Application of US Nuclear Navy Extreme Operational Excellence Principles in the Oil and Gas Industry | AIChE

High Reliability Organizations - Application of US Nuclear Navy Extreme Operational Excellence Principles in the Oil and Gas Industry


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 20, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




High Reliability Organizations (HROs) are organizations which succeed in avoiding catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected, due to risk factors and complexity. Companies who have worked to systematically implement US Nuclear Navy HRO principles of Extreme Operational Excellence (OE) have developed a vibrant culture of process and personal safety, environmental stewardship, and top tier performance.

An HRO model will be presented, which has been used to support companies in transitioning towards becoming an HRO. Aspects of this model include Leadership, Culture, OE Management Systems / Organizational Structure, and Feedback, along with critical keys to success: establishing leadership accountability; using risk management techniques to “Filter and Focus” on the critical few safeguards that prevent high consequence events; understanding performance variability and how to build error-tolerant systems; understanding critical safeguard assurance; and finally, how to nurture a culture of organizational learning and create high velocity learning teams “from the Deckplates to the Wardroom.”

This paper provides the co-author’s experience in capturing and applying actionable Lessons Learned from the US Nuclear Navy, and from working with Oil and Gas clients. Application of the HRO model should enable other companies to accelerate their own OE journey.


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