Horses for Courses: Matching Modeling Techniques for Varying Aspects of Energy Transition Solutions | AIChE

Horses for Courses: Matching Modeling Techniques for Varying Aspects of Energy Transition Solutions


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 27, 2024


24 minutes

Skill Level




Energy transition is an urgent but delicate topic requiring balancing of many engineering, business and social factors, at times some of which are contradicting. The application of the Horses modeling method is certainly a tool in the toolchest of solutions. Not a particular single modeling method can provide all the answers, nor a single solution strand of transition is sufficient. In this talk, we would like to present an ecosystem of modeling methods for an ecosystem of energy transition options. All of these are housed under the DEGREE framework of sustainability at Siemens. Examples of use cases include H2 transport, fuel cells, H2 storage, and charging stations. Methods of modeling include molecular models, process models, system models, and life cycle management solutions.


1. Simulation for energy transition solutions


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