Identification of Single Atom Ru/Ceria As a Stable and Superior Catalyst for Abatement of Diesel and Gasoline Engine Pollutants | AIChE

Identification of Single Atom Ru/Ceria As a Stable and Superior Catalyst for Abatement of Diesel and Gasoline Engine Pollutants


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 16, 2021


18 minutes

Skill Level




Atomically dispersed transition metals (Ru, Pd and Pt) have been prepared on CeO2 and evaluated for NOx/CO abatement applications for diesel and gasoline engines. Remarkably, atom trapping method allows to solve the previous issues of volatility with ruthenium atoms tightly anchored on ceria surface. 0.25-0.5 wt% Ru/CeO2 catalysts (Ru is ~35 and ~7 times cheaper than commonly used Rh and Pd) show remarkable PNA performance, with 0.5 wt% Ru performing better than 1 wt% Pd/Zeolite and achieving 100% removal of NOx during vehicle cold start.

DFT calculations coupled with IR spectroscopy measurements precisely identify location of active isolated Ru+2 cations on ceria. Upon NO adsorption, NO donates an electron to a Ce4+ center, thus NO+ ligand and a Ce3+ center are formed, while the formal charge of the Ru remains +2. FTIR measurements reveal the formation of remarkably stable Ru(II)(NO) complexes as well as spill-over of NO to CeO2 surface via the Ru-O-Ce shuttle, explaining high NO storage. Notably, Ru/ceria survives hydrothermal aging in air/water vapor at 750 ⁰C without evaporation of atomically dispersed ruthenium, and as a consequence shows no loss of PNA capacity. NOx related applications of this new material are not constrained by it being a stable NOx storage materials: Ru/ceria is also a robust NO oxidation catalyst, considerably more active than Pt or Pd/CeO2 and comparable to the best industrial catalysts based on more expensive Pd and Pt. Expanding the repertoire of Ru/CeO2 catalytic applications, we further find 0.1 and 0.5 wt% Ru/CeO2 to be excellent TWC catalysts, rivaling best single-atom Rh-containing uber-expensive supported materials. Our study pushes the frontier of precious metal atom economy for environmental catalysis from ultra-expensive Rh/Pd/Pt to more sustainable cheaper Ru and highlights the utility of single-atom catalysts for identifying previously unknown materials for industrially relevant applications.


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