Impact of Spacer Nature on Rheological Properties of Cationic Gemini Surfactant | AIChE

Impact of Spacer Nature on Rheological Properties of Cationic Gemini Surfactant


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




Surfactants play a vital role in Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (cEOR) techniques. Gemini surfactants are a unique style of surfactants having more water-soluble hydrophilic head and oil-soluble hydrophobic tail units. Both groups are connected by a spacer at or near to the head groups. Polymers are added into the surfactants to increase the sweep efficiency of the flooding processes. This paper presents the rheological properties of Surfactant Polymer (SP) solutions in which two recently synthesized cationic gemini surfactants with different spacer nature are used.

The rheological properties of novel SP solutions were determined using Discovery hybrid rheometer (DHR-3) from TA Instrument. The geometric configuration set for this work was concentric cylinder. All experiments were carried out at 80 °C, while the shear rate for steady shear viscosity measurements ranges from 0.001 to 1000 s−1. 0.25 weight % of a polymer FO 4290 SSH was used with different concentrations of newly synthesized gemini surfactants for rheological measurements. Two hours magnetic stirring and twenty hours retention time were provided to make uniform surfactant polymer solutions.

Both surfactants exhibited good thermal stability in seawater with no precipitation. Shear viscosity and storage modulus were measured as a function of shear rate and angular frequency respectively at different surfactant concentrations ranging from 0 to 0.5 mM, where 0 mM shows pure polymer. We discovered that counter ions influence the rheological properties significantly. Research outcomes revealed that the novel SP solution with a benzene ring and chlorine counterion produces better performance in comparison with a benzene ring and bromine counterion. Moreover, the effect enhances if we increase one more benzene ring in the spacer.

This study reports two recently synthesized SP solutions for cEOR processes in carbonate reservoirs. It presents the effect of counterions on rheological properties and improves the understanding of tuning the surfactant structure in making SP solutions to increase the flooding sweep efficiency.


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