The Importance of Carbon Intensity and Compliance to Meet Decarbonization Goals | AIChE

The Importance of Carbon Intensity and Compliance to Meet Decarbonization Goals


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 13, 2023


25 minutes

Skill Level




This presentation will focus on the growing importance of knowing your carbon intensity and compliance requirements wherever you are in the energy supply chain. We will discuss the importance of carbon intensity (CI) and industry standardized measurement and auditing requirements, both for the regulated and voluntary carbon markets. A broad introduction on the direction and drivers of the carbon market; regulated, IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) which will give rise to many capital projects like CCUS, H2, will be provided. The importance of LCA’s and CI score on carbon/tax credits, which impact investors and the viability of capital projects will also be discussed.


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