Industry 4.0 and Control Valve Analytics | AIChE

Industry 4.0 and Control Valve Analytics


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 20, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




A process plant may have hundreds or even thousands of control valves, and 30% or more may be facing physical or mechanical performance issues. This practical session shows attendees how to leverage control valve analytics to deliver bottom-line value. Using the constructs of Industry 4.0, attendees will learn about many available analytics, develop accurate diagnoses, and use that information to effect significant changes to reliability, production, quality, and safety.

Microsoft defines 5 necessary layers for the internet of things: Smart devices, connectivity, history, analytics, and presentation. When it comes to control valves, these 5 layers have been in place for decades. So, manufacturers are well-positioned to gain value from an existing installed base, without investing significant capital.

Even though the raw technology of digital analytics for control valves has been available for more than 20 years, these tools have been inconsistently applied. There have been significant barriers to data acquisition and storage, inconsistencies between vendor tools, and inconsistent practices and procedures to leverage valve data for corporate gain.

Whether a valve is equipped with a smart positioner or not, it is possible to accurately diagnose valve issues. Some techniques are quite simple, and others more sophisticated, using pattern recognition to pinpoint issues. Software tools have simplified the process, and made these capabilities readily accessible remotely, so analysis can be done from the plant floor, or from a home office.

This paper covers available tools and techniques to acquire control valve data, to develop meaningful analytics and diagnostics, and to implement a structured program for managing a fleet of control valves. Specific examples will show how to automatically detect valve issues, how to automatically prioritize, and how to manage resolution of these issues.


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