Industry-Academic Collaboration for the Transition to a Low Carbon World | AIChE

Industry-Academic Collaboration for the Transition to a Low Carbon World


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




New technologies solutions and novel ways to develop them are needed to solve the energy challenges that the world is facing. Engineers and scientists of our time will play a critical role to provide energy, fuels, and chemicals with low carbon footprint to a growing world population. The magnitude of the task is such that no one can answer these technical challenges alone and a sustained collaboration is needed between industry, academic institutions, and national laboratories. A key for success is to understand how to leverage the diverse perspectives that industry and academia bring, and how to manage different drivers and goals of each parties. In this talk we will reflect on the role of open innovation in navigating the energy transition, and how collaboration is critical in selecting and tackling problems worth solving.


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