Motivated by these considerations, this work seeks to explore how integrated attack detection and control strategies using LEMPC might be developed to handle actuator attacks, as well as simultaneous actuator and sensor attacks. To explore techniques for handling actuator attacks, initially, the utility of the three detection strategies from [5] is explored when the actuators are attacked, with updates to the strategies as necessary. It is demonstrated, for example, that while the probing-based strategy from [5] lacks an ability to conclusively identify attacks on the sensors, a similar strategy is able to ensure closed-loop stability under actuator attacks that are not flagged under sufficient conditions. In contrast, the state estimation strategy from [5] may have difficulty in flagging actuator attacks if the estimates are not impacted by a falsified control action. In addition to extending the attack detection strategies from [5] to the actuator attack case, we also introduce concepts for handling actuator attacks based on checking whether a metric which would signify stability under normal operation (e.g., the Lyapunov function developed around the operating steady-state) is meeting requirements (e.g., decreasing over time), or developing redundant controllers to cross-check control actions received at the actuator. After developing these strategies, we discuss concepts for combining the sensor and actuator attack detection methods, with consideration for the types of guarantees which can be made in this scenario. A chemical process example consisting of a continuous stirred tank reactor is used to illustrate the developments.
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