Intentional Competency Development - What can YOU do? | AIChE

Intentional Competency Development - What can YOU do?


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




Vision 2020 provides the following guidance on this topic:

Intentional Competency Development ensures that all employees who impact process safety are fully capable of meeting the technical and behavioral requirements for their jobs.

As a process safety professional and individual contributor at your company, how can you best support your enterprise in meeting this important and necessary aspect of the overall safety program. This presentation will propose that you must first develop your own competency through seeking out training, both formal and informal, and through practice. Once your competency is established, you must lead others to seeing the importance of developing competency. In addition, as a process safety professional, you must mentor those that are following in your footsteps. Lastly, you must train others and proliferate your process safety competency to the broader group of employees and the industry at large. Taking these steps will make you a great asset in your company not only achieving in process safety competency, but all of the goals of Vision 2020.


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