Keep the Lion inside the Cage | AIChE

Keep the Lion inside the Cage


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 21, 2021


60 minutes

Skill Level




Keep the Lion inside the Cage

All Chemicals, that we utilize to produce our final Products, are considered as Lions. We have to maintain their healthiness in good condition & under control inside the Plant (Cage) elements (Pipe, Equipment, Vessel, Tank). Process Safety Engineer’s Career is an adventure where all safeguards, Barriers & mitigations shall be designed, constructed & operated safely in order to achieve the Process Safety ultimate Goal: “Prevent Loss of Containment”. When the chemical leaks, the Lion is free to have high Consequences. With integration for all Reliability, Process Safety & Asset Integrity, we can keep the Lion inside the Cage & eliminate all Probability to have any Consequence whatever its Risk Level.

In order to achieve our ultimate goal, several aspects shall be managed & steward-shipped by the own Organization. There are many Process Safety pillars starting from “hazards identification” till removing the Risk or reducing it to insignificant level; including The Process Safety Competency Development for all Organization levels, Process Safety Knowledge Enhancement, System Support, Technical Guidelines, Risk Management, Process Safety Performance Monitoring and end with the Emergency Preparedness & Response Capability.

The beauty of the Process Safety Concept is the alignment with the Emotional Intelligent that we feel during the dealing with Chemicals (Lions). They shall be always contained & maintained inside their containments. In the same manner of having a specific Process Safety Competency Development Plan for All members of Organization to maintain the Chemicals inside the containment, it shall be available for all members in order to have the Lions inside the Cage. Our ultimate goal is to complete the Journey in safe manner & to maintain the Healthy condition ... in order to keep "Chemicals" inside the pipe & to keep the Lions inside the cage.


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