Lead It! Tools and Strategies for Effective Technical Project Leadership from a Slightly Seasoned Professional | AIChE

Lead It! Tools and Strategies for Effective Technical Project Leadership from a Slightly Seasoned Professional


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 20, 2020


30 minutes

Skill Level




Most of the young inexperienced engineers and scientist enter the workforce without grasping the reality that at some point in time in their careers they will have to take on project leadership roles. This talk will focus on technical projects and how to manage and lead them effectively. Some of the most common tools used at Dow to solve complex technically challenging process problems will be presented as well as the strategies on how to deal with people issues. Emphasis will be given to dealing with individuals stalling the projects, commonly known as NoNos. The importance of networking, recognition and project closing steps will be discussed as well.


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