Lessons Learned in Use of Small-Scale Distillation Columns | AIChE

Lessons Learned in Use of Small-Scale Distillation Columns


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




Success in piloting new process developments involves integrating process models, technology fundamentals, and defining critical operating parameters for the experimental plan. While it is important that test plans are developed to address key parameters, understanding the limitations of the pilot unit helps to identify how the obtained data can be applied for final industrial scale design. The results of the studies presented here provided insight into using small pilot distillation columns to validate process models and provided important design considerations for commercial scale operation. Key learnings in operating small scale pilot distillation columns and applying data for design considerations is the focus of this presentation using a propylene oxide purification method as an example.


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